奉獻方法 Donation:
1. 劃線支票
抬頭請寫「跨越使團有限公司」 或「One Challenge (Hong Kong) Limited」
2. 直接存入
東亞銀行 015-21368-00491-2
電郵至 info@onechallengehk.org 或 寄回敝機構「地址:新界荃灣郵政信箱1458號,跨越使團收」
3. 電子支付(轉數快)
轉數快 ID: 6027676
完成轉帳後請將「轉帳記錄」截圖,然後將該截圖,連同支持同工姓名或支持的事工項目以及閣下姓名、電話、電郵,電郵至 info@onechallengehk.org
4. ⾃動轉帳
可直接與所屬銀⾏安排,填寫表格轉帳⼊東亞銀⾏ 015-213-68-00491-2。
請將⾃動轉帳表格(影印本)電郵⾄ info@onechallengehk.org,或寄回敝機構「地址:新界荃灣郵政信箱1458號,跨越使團收」
* 凡奉獻$100或以上者,機構會發回免稅收據。
1. Cheque
Please make your cheque payable to "One Challenge (Hong Kong) Limited"
Please provide your contact information on the back of the cheque, such as English name, address, telephone and email address, as well as the ministry or co-worker being supported
Post it to "One Challenge (Hong Kong) Limited, P.O. Box 1458,
Tsuen Wan Post Office, N.T., Hong Kong"
2. Bank Deposit
Please deposit/transfer to
The Bank of East Asia (Account No: 015-21368-00491-2)
Please provide your contact information, such as English name, address, telephone and email address, as well as the ministry or co-worker being supported
Email the receipt to info@onechallengehk.org
3. Electronic Payment (FPS)
Please deposit/transfer to
FPS ID: 6027676
Please provide your contact information, such as English name, address, telephone and email address, the ministry or co-worker being supported along with the screenshot of transaction information
Email the information to info@onechallengehk.org
4. Autopay
Please contact your bank directly regarding the use of Autopay service
Please credit your donation to The Bank of East Asia (Account No: 015-21368-00491-2)
Email the copy of application form to info@onechallengehk.org
* Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible along with receipts